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Just go for it!

Carreer Workshop for Women in Academia
Freie Plätze:
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Kohlmarkt 9
1010 - Wien
This half-day workshop for women in academia will encourage you to take on career challenges, to become resilient to failure, to finally enter the stage and enjoy your success.

While women in science excel in their specific fields of research, they are not to the same extent able to build their career in the academic world. There are lots of structural reasons for this. As well, there is something each and every one of us can do for ourselves.

Women tend to thoroughly focus on their research work. But they often miss out on developping realistic career goals, forming strong networks, telling their wishes to the right people.

The learning outcomes of this workshop should enable you to decide on the amount of time you will invest into career building from now on. This session gives you a framework for your selfassessment and encourages you to share your best practice experience thus enforcing mutual support and sense of community with other women in scientific fields.
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Referentin und Veranstalterin:
Lengauer Ursula, Dr.

4810 Gmunden, Gartengasse 18Karte
Mobil: 0699 - 192 57 565Mobil: 0699 - 192 57 565

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